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KS3 & KS4 MFL resources & more...

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MFL resources you can trust! Where? Here...in Polly Glott's Shop... I have shared my eye-catching, creative resources - already made and trialled - often with built-in differentiation to make your day a little easier. I have over twenty years MFL teaching experience in the classroom, so download my ready-made worksheets, packs and presentations to even out that work-life balance! If you're browsing the shop, try typing in "French" or "Spanish" to find resources in that language.




MFL resources you can trust! Where? Here...in Polly Glott's Shop... I have shared my eye-catching, creative resources - already made and trialled - often with built-in differentiation to make your day a little easier. I have over twenty years MFL teaching experience in the classroom, so download my ready-made worksheets, packs and presentations to even out that work-life balance! If you're browsing the shop, try typing in "French" or "Spanish" to find resources in that language.
French Personality Dice Game

French Personality Dice Game

**French Dice Game ** KS3 Laminate this game for a long-lasting resource to help with m/f agreements on adjectives about personality. Language included: il/elle est sympa calme adj + feminine patient courageux sérieux marrant travailleur intelligent
Spanish about your town

Spanish about your town

Spanish ABOUT YOUR TOWN This 3 page resource has a bilingual vocabulary grid full of words to help your learners write about their town. Includes: adjectives intensifiers tenses introduction and main body/conclusion ideas exclamations Learners can use this as a writing scaffold to write about their town. If this is of uses to you, have a look at my shop at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott?p=3
A quel étage?

A quel étage?

Simple presentation of floors in a building. Includes simple game asking which floor the mouse is on.
Les pubs

Les pubs

Something I did during an "enterprise" day. Pupils advertise a product in French. You could show some ads in French first (vet them before you do!!). I've deliberately chosen the (silly!) products as they'll take ages to choose their own if not! If you can't film the ads, just "perform" them for the class. Make sure they all have a grid to fill in as they watch so they're not just sitting around!
End of Year Review: Spanish

End of Year Review: Spanish

End of year review: Spanish. A simple pro forma with a summary of what has been studied this academic year with spaces to note improvements from teacher and student. A “looking to the future” section to fill in also. Print on double-sided, landscape A4.
Studio 3 French Le monde du travail (Studio Vert/Rouge M5) Work Booklet

Studio 3 French Le monde du travail (Studio Vert/Rouge M5) Work Booklet

Looking for GCSE French jobs consolidation? This is a great work booklet to develop listening, reading and writing. Tasks include picture and word matching vocabulary presentation, puzzles, reading comprehensions, scaffolded writing, a couple of listening activities and independent writing tasks with cues. If you have introduced GCSE learners to the French jobs topic, this is the ideal resource for you. You can use it to consolidate prior learning. If you haven’t taught the topic, use this resource for them to work out or deduce the vocabulary themselves. Although prior knowledge is assumed, a long bilingual vocabulary list is included to help. Some research on vocabulary and structures might be needed, depending on the ability of your learners. Ideal for Distance learning. Open in edit mode and click in the text areas to answer. The background won’t move Consolidation of the French topic the world of work Independent learning Helping with listening skills: 3 pages include listening tasks The answer pages are given after the main work booklet and therefore may be printed separately or given when needed, rather than in one go to learners. Sample answers are given for writing tasks since, as I’m sure you will understand, responses can vary considerably. Other uses for the booklet include using the sheets separately for starter tasks or cover lessons, even homework. Tasks include: reading comprehensions scaffolded writing gap-fills listening independent writing task with cues puzzles* For examples of vocabulary covered, see the end of the listing. If you find this resource useful, please do review it. Other useful French and Spanish resources for KS3 and KS4 can be found in my shop: [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott] Happy teaching!
French Jobs Vocabulary Cards (Studio 3, Module 3)

French Jobs Vocabulary Cards (Studio 3, Module 3)

Looking for French jobs vocab’ for ‘le monde du travail’? This is a great set of 42 vocabulary cards covering les emplois words in the masculine and feminine forms. They fit well with Studio 3, Module 3. Instructions and ideas for games are included. They will print back-to-back French and English (those eagle-eyed observers who looked at the preview images and thought they wouldn’t…you were right. School-girl error which has now been corrected…). Le monde du travail jobs vocab’ cards If you are introducing learners to the French jobs topic, this is the ideal resource for you. You can use it to help with introducing vocabulary learning at word level, actively and passively. A bilingual vocabulary list and ‘Va à la pêche’ game vocabulary is included to help. Ideal for introducing the French topic ‘the world of work’ and jobs words collaborative learning : activities ideas include pair and group games beginning to identify feminine jobs words If you like this resource, have a look in my shop where you’ll find many more useful French and Spanish resources. Lots are low or no prep’ to help save you precious time. https://www.tes.com/resources/search/?authorId=232746&q=jobs&shop=Polly_Glott https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott Happy teaching! Vocabulary covered (plus feminine): avocat agent de police agriculteur boucher boulanger caissier chanteur chauffeur de camion chauffeur de taxi coiffeur comptable créateur de mode diplomate directeur de magasin électricien employé de bureau facteur fermier fonctionnaire guide touristique infirmier informaticien ingénieur interprète jardinier juge maçon médecin photographe plombier policier pompier serveur sociologue steward vendeur vétérinaire webdesigner
French Reward Charts

French Reward Charts

French Eiffel Tower Reward Chart An 11 page resource (including cover pages, TOU, vocab’ etc.) 4 different reward charts for your learners Colour versions included A variety of options for how the chart can be used with guidance on how to use them An excellent way to encourage better behaviour in your groups or for individual learners
French Valentine's Day - Le Jour de la Saint Valentin

French Valentine's Day - Le Jour de la Saint Valentin

4 Resources
You’ll love this French Valentine’s Day bundle. What do I get? Four photocopiable booklets for years 7 to 10 (available separately in my shop) to develop reading skills through French Valentine’s Day vocabulary. There is a wide variety of activities including puzzles, word matching, secret codes… Bilingual vocabulary lists are provided within each booklet to help reduce the reliance on the teacher, so these also make ideal cover lessons. All my Valentine’s resources can be found together here: https://www.tes.com/resources/search/?authorId=232746&q=Valentine’s Day&shop=Polly_Glott
L'argent de poche: mots cachés

L'argent de poche: mots cachés

Simple wordsearch starter or filler. Extend by not having seen the vocab’ before and look up in dictionary or glossary before completing. More able pupils could put the vocab’ into sentences.
C'est bon ou c'est mauvais pour la santé?

C'est bon ou c'est mauvais pour la santé?

Powerpoint introducing healthy and unhealthy activities. Fits well with équipe nouvelle 2. Take out the sounds (or turn off your speakers!) if your class might get silly or you are easily irritated ;) Print out slides as handouts for weaker groups to read from and/or note new vocabulary. Could also use slides as starting point for lesson before showing full powerpoint.
El árbol genealógico

El árbol genealógico

Simple Simpons' based family tree for Year 7. mother/father/brother/sister/grandma/granddad/aunt/uncle/cousin. Includes "superlearner" extension task.
Holidays listening or reading sheet

Holidays listening or reading sheet

Print out or display on the IWB. Use the transcript (page 2) to make it a listening - read out or record or use text to speech online - copy and paste ;) Allow pupils access to it to make the worksheet a reading or to consolidate what gleaned from listening tasks. Some fairly advanced vocab' for some KS3 so some pre or post discussion/investigation by pupils might be required! Reflects style of FCSE assessments. The last question is just a reading and extension. Aimed at Level 5 FCSE.
Sondage de classe sports et opinions

Sondage de classe sports et opinions

Class survey. Sports would have been introduced first. Use the survey to practise the question 'Tu aimes ... ?' plus different sports. There is a variety of answers that can be given to the questions with different symbols for each. Pupils mark the answers on the grid using these symbols. Model the conversation and how to do the survey before the whole class does it. Extension work in the grey sections encourages further development of conversational language. Check learning with short performances of the conversations and/or follow up with writing up of some conversations.
Viva 1 Module 2 Vocabulary Tests

Viva 1 Module 2 Vocabulary Tests

9 pages of vocabulary tests to go with the lists I've made. The first few have some of the test in English and some in Spanish so pupils write the opposite language. Later on, pupils must just write in the Spanish. The final page is a blank grid in case you don't like any of those options!! Buena suerte.
Spanish Viva 1 Module 2 Homework: vocabulary learning

Spanish Viva 1 Module 2 Homework: vocabulary learning

SPANISH HW VOCABULARY SHEETS If you use Viva 1, this is for Module 2 Mi tiempo libre. What does it contain? 7 weeks of vocabulary learning to print *How should I use it? * Give out as individual sheets or trim for each week. Week 8, well, Christmas will be upon you! You could always push these into next half term as they are useful words for any topic. I’m hoping to make some activities to go alongside this so watch out! Words in italics are extra ones which will be useful and relevant but could be left out if you wanted or used as extension.